Heera Hot&Sweet Sauce 1 litre
Heera Hot & Sweet Sauce 1 liter is a versatile and delicious condiment that combines the perfect balance of heat and sweetness. This 1-liter bottle contains a vibrant blend of ripe tomatoes, sugar, chili peppers, and a unique mix of spices, creating a sauce that is both tangy and spicy with a touch of sweetness. Ideal for marinating, dipping, or as a cooking sauce, Heera Hot & Sweet Sauce adds a delightful kick to a wide variety of dishes, from grilled meats and poultry to stir-fries and snacks.
Crafted from high-quality ingredients, Heera Hot & Sweet Sauce delivers a robust and flavorful experience with every use. Its thick and smooth consistency ensures it coats well, making it an excellent choice for basting and glazing. The convenient 1-liter packaging provides plenty of sauce for family meals, gatherings, and everyday cooking, ensuring long-lasting freshness and ease of use. Perfect for those who love a combination of sweet and spicy flavors, Heera Hot & Sweet Sauce is an essential addition to your kitchen pantry, enhancing the taste of your favorite recipes with its delectable and well-balanced profile.